Large Vaneaxial Fans
Large Vaneaxial Fans employ the same aerodynamic principles of small vaneaxial, but are capable of much higher flows and pressures. Additional aerodynamic techniques, such as two stage and mixed flow impellers, can be employed. High performance conventional style motors are utilized to also achieve high-speed operation. Special care is taken to minimize the noise associated with these high performance devices.
MAXIAX? fans provide relatively high flows against high impedance in a compact axial flow package. They operate at high rotational speeds, typically with 400 Hz motors or internal ECDC brushless motors. MAXIAX fans are extremely efficient and highly customizable, allowing for precise airflow design.
MAXIAX? fans are typically utilized to cool airborne radar and other devices with high power transmitters. They are also employed as evaporator/condenser fans in environmental controls systems and to duct air to various aircraft avionics bays, cockpit displays and cabin compartments. MAXIAX fans are also used extensively in general aviation aircraft, military vehicles and shelters and shipboard applications.
They come in a variety of voltages and frequencies and are available with lead wires, terminal blocks and MS connectors. Most units are available with an optional internal Fan Performance Sensor (FPS) or an internal or external Low Speed Warning Device (LSWD).